Webmakers are going to Vancouver Mini Maker Faire!

It is with great excitement that we announce to everyone – Mozilla Webmakers are going to Vancouver Mini Maker Faire!!  For those of you who are not familiar with Maker Faires, it’s a global annual faire where all “makers” gather and geek out! The event takes place on June 1-2, 10am-6pm at PNE.

In collaboration with the folks from the Vancouver Mozilla office, we will have a group booth over the span of the faire where we feature Mozilla Webmaker tools (Popcorn, X-ray Goggles, Thimble) as well as (fingers crossed) some of the new FirefoxOS phones to get hands-on with.  Volunteers from the Vancouver Mozilla office will also assist with manning the booth.

The story (short version) of how we got involved in Maker Faire and all of this came to fruition:

  • Emma & Helen really wanted to present Mozilla Webmaker tools at the Vancouver Mini Maker Faire, so they decided to do a “call out” to the folks at the MozillaYVR office and see if there might be any takers who are willing to help out.
  • Dethe (who is super awesome) has volunteered to help out.  Not only that, he also invited colleagues from the MozillaYVR office, so now we have at least 4-5 volunteers from the MozillaYVR office (yoo hoo!)
Dethe & his Awesome ideas!
  • Together they submitted a proposal to the Maker Faire organizations and got accepted.  (double yoo hoo!!)
  • Helen, Emma & Dethe have met both online & f2f.  On April 16, Helen visited Dethe at the MozillaYVR office.  It was such a cool space~
MozillaYVR office
  • Helen & Dethe talked about facilitating a Kitchen Table Hack Jam for all the MozillaYVR volunteers who will be helping out at the Vancouver Mini Maker Faire so everyone is up to date on the Webmaker tools.  The tentative date is a day in end of May at the MozillaYVR office.  (more details TBD)

Anyways, we would really love for more WebmakerBC folks to come help out at the Vancouver Mini Maker Faire this year because we think it’s gonna be awesome!  Here are the details again:

  • What: Vancouver Mini Maker Faire – Mozilla Webmaker Hack Jam
  • When: June 1-2 @10am-6pm
  • Where: PNE
  • Why: We will demo and have a hands-on booth area for webmaker tools Popcorn Maker (create video mashups in the browser), Thimble (easy webpage editor) and the Hackasurus X-Ray Goggles (explore and remix any web page). We will have a variety of Hacktivity Kits with tutorials and challenges. Participants will get a chance to explore the tools, create a multimedia project, and share their work online with the rest of the existing webmaker community.