Makers as Mentors at #VMMF 2014

At this year’s Vancouver Mini Maker Faire in additional to having an awesome Mozilla Webmaker booth, Emma, Dethe & I decided to put together a Makers as Mentors workshop to encourage local makers to become mentors through Maker Parties!


Amongst workshop participants we had Joseph Lopez, a reporter from the local paper Georgia Straight, so Emma had an idea for the mini-challenge – we asked participants to hack the front page of the Straight using Webmaker tool X-Ray Goggles. Joseph had a blast and he later wrote an article about Mozilla Webmakers, which included a picture of me during the workshop demonstration. :p

Makers as Mentors - VMMF 2014
Me doing a demo of X-ray Goggles during the workshop

We also had many librarian friends joining us for the workshop including Tamarack, who took a snapshot of Emma delivering the workshop.


Maker Faire this year was lots of fun! We made a lot of friends from last year’s Faire and made a few more friends again this year. This is definitely going to be an annual tradition for Mozilla Webmakers in BC.