Earlier this week at my work (Royal Roads University), Emma (awesome #yyj Mozilla Rep), Sandra (Instructional Designer) and I (Helen, E-Learning Tech) hosted a Faculty Popcorn Maker Hack Jam on behalf of our unit – Centre for Teaching & Educational Technology for all of our faculty members. We had a mixture of attendees, ranging from core & associate faculty, program staff, library researchers and instructional designers.
We started off with a Poster Mosaic ice breaker asking everyone “What is hacking/remixing?”.

Everyone was eager to jump into the hands-on part of the hack jam, so the Popcorn Maker Design Challenge began while facilitators floated around to assist participants.

Participants were asked to bring in videos & multimedia files that they use in their courses and “remix” them using Popcorn Maker. Here are some of the projects that were created at the end of the session:
Unethical Research
Most faculty members were interested in learning how to “spice course videos up” using Popcorn Maker while others even embedded courses right into Moodle (RRU’s Learning Management System)!
Remix of a TED Talk video
I Have a Dream
Well, course videos were mostly kind of serious, but we also had a few video projects that were funny, personal & experimental.
Video about Vanilla Ice
Girl Singing
The hack jam wrapped up with a group discussion on how Popcorn Maker can be applied in everyday courses.

The overall hack jam feedback was extremely positive. Many faculty expressed interests in incorporating Popcorn Maker in their upcoming courses, whether as a tool to annotate course videos or as an option for student projects. The possibilities are endless!
Last but not least, if you are interested in using this hack jam for your own community/class, please feel free to hack/remix the following resources. 🙂
Hack Jam Resources: